Throughout the eleventh and following centuries before our era, the essential duality of the land of the Pharaohs found novel and unexpected expression. The initial stage could not have been better characterized…
The final smoothing of the wood was done with stones. (This method of scouring wood continued until the 19th century CE, when wooden shipdecks were still holystoned.)
Sé Catedral at Old Goa
The construction of the church began in 1562 and was completed in 1612, during the rule of King Dom Sebastião which lasted for 21 years from the year 1557. The attars remained…
God of the truth, law and universal order, have the appearance of a woman wearing a crown surmounted by a huge ostrich feather. Her totem symbol is a stone platform or foundation,…
God of sovereignty of the king, have the appearance of a woman with the head of a vulture. Originally the patron of Upper Egypt in the early Old Kingdom, she changed over…
The Egyptian god Tatenen, sometimes written as Tatjenen, symbolizes the emergence of silt from the fertile Nile after the waters of the inundation recede. The meaning of his name is uncertain but…
Aken, the stern sailor.
God of the ferryboat that carries the souls of the dead to the underworld. Appearanceof a man dressed in the garb of a sailor, standing in the stern of a papyrus boat….
Thirtieth Dynasty
After the four months’ reign of his son Nepherites II, the kingship passed into the hands of a general from Sebennytus. Manetho’s THIRTIETH DYNASTY consists of three members, the names of the…